
Parent actions to help their kids make friends. For younger children (kindergarten-4th grade): arranging playdates, 45%; befriending other parents, 30%; allowing use of social media, 10%. For older children (5th-8th grade): arranging playdates, 37%; befriending other parents, 17%; allowing use of social media, 23%. Source: C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, 2024
Facilitating friendships: Parents' role
Parent efforts to reduce the risk of hereditary conditions in their children. Encourage healthy diet, 51%; encourage enough exercise, 48%; watch for signs, 42%; ask for testing, 26%; talk to relatives, 9%. Source: C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, 2024.
Using family health history to improve child health
Parent considerations when buying new shoes for their child age 3-10. Not too tight: 89%; not too loose, 70%. Cost: 58%. Source: C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, 2024
Children's foot health important for a firm foundation
Bedtime routines - percent of parents reporting activity is part of bedtime routine: brushing teeth, 90%; bedtime story, 67%; bath, 54%; drink water, 47%; turn off devices, 41%. Source: C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, 2024
Getting young children to bed: Sweet dreams or nightmare?
Why teens drink caffeine - among parents who say their teen drinks caffeine most or all days of the week: favorite products, 43%; peers drink them, 23%; to stay awake, 18%; early school start, 16%; to help study/focus, 13%
Parents asleep on teen caffeine consumption?
Healthy diet hurdles: percent of parents reporting challenges to making sure child 3-10 gets a healthy diet. Child is a picky eater: 51%; cost of healthy food: 32%; child doesn't like healthy food: 27%; food waste: 23%; no time to prepare healthy food: 12%
Balancing act: Providing a healthy diet for children
Stay home sick or go to school? % of parents of children in middle or high school who consider the following factors: If child thinks they can make it through the day, 59%; If child poses a risk to teachers/other students, 54%; How child is behaving, 39%; If child has a test/presentation, 34%
Too sick for school? Parents weigh competing priorities
Parent strategies to protect kids' hearing. Percent of parents using the following strategy to limit the volume on their 5-12 year old's audio devices. Device choices: volume limiting headphones, 31%; noise-canceling headphones, 14%. Device settings: set volume limits on devices, 16%. Parental supervision: occasionally check and lower volume, 23%.
Can they hear you now: Noise and headphone use in children
Parent concerns about risks of online betting for teens: percent of parents identifying the following risks for teens 14-18. Debt, 83%; addiction, 77%; ruin credit score, 51%; lead to drug/alcohol abuse, 27%.
Parent awareness of online betting among teens
Supporting kids' goal-setting: % of parents of kids 11-18 who support their child's goals in the following ways. Celebrate attempts at improvement, 70%. Join their efforts, 58%. Help track progress, 52%. Provide financial support, 51%. Offer reward for achieving goal, 44%.
Resolving to be involved: Goal-setting for parents and kids