
Mott Poll 2020 Retrospective

It's been another busy year at the Mott Poll. In 2020 we covered a variety of topics, including safe drinking water, summertime safety, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and wellness of children and teens across the country. As we wrap up another year of child health research, here's a look back at some of our 2020 reports you might've missed.

Teen involvement in demonstrations against police brutality October: Teen involvement in demonstrations against police brutality

1 in 12 parents report their teen has attended a demonstration and/or other event about racism or policing reform. 1 in 2 Black parents say thinking about police brutality and racism causes stress for their teen, as do 1 in 4 White parents. White parents are nearly twice as likely than Black parents to believe teens do not belong at demonstrations against police brutality and racism.

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Tracking tween health through apps May: Tracking tween health through apps

1 in 20 parents say their tween currently uses health apps. 2 in 3 parents are concerned about their tween being targeted by ads from health apps. Most parents want input from their tween's health care provider on using health apps, but only 3% have talked with their tween's provider. 38% of parents would not allow their tween to use an app that tracks health information.

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Parenting to prevent child sexual abuse March: Parenting to prevent child sexual abuse

3 in 4 parents of school-age children say they have talked about inappropriate touching, compared to less than half of parents of preschoolers. 2 in 5 parents report not receiving any information on how to talk with their child about inappropriate touching. 3 in 4 parents want their child's school or preschool to provider information for parents on how to talk about inappropriate touching.

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Be sure to check out the rest of our 2020 reports, and sign up for our email list so you never miss a report! See you next year!