
About half of US states have passed laws to allow the use of medical marijuana among adults with certain health conditions.

School sports offer children an opportunity to improve their physical fitness, develop teamwork and problem-solving skills, enhance their self-confidence, and establish a meaningful connection with their school.

When e-cigarettes were introduced in 2006, they were hailed as a healthier alternative to cigarette smoking. Potentially, smokers could substitute e-cigarettes for traditional cigarettes as a way to quit smoking.

For parents of “tweens” – children 9-12 years old – summertime often means having to make decisions about whether tweens can stay home unsupervised and for how long.

Now that school is out for the summer, parents must make daytime arrangements for their children. Many parents will face the question of whether to have their child stay home alone for some or all of the day.

In a recent study, Canadian researchers found that young women who received human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination were less likely to have abnormalities that can lead to cervical cancer.

Sudden unexpected infant deaths due to unsafe sleep are a leading cause of preventable death under the age of 1 year.

The CDC recommends that all children receive flu vaccine every year. Once children reach 2 years of age, children have the option of a flu shot or a nasal spray flu vaccine; many parents and children prefer the nasal spray.

As the Republican and Democratic conventions approach, candidates consider what topics to feature in their campaigns. Past Poll results have shown that a candidate’s stance on child health issues can affect the way many U.S. adults vote.

Children’s health and policies that affect children’s health are an important interest area with voters in the presidential election. More than half of likely voters say a candidate’s position on children’s health will affect their vote, according to a previous NPCH Report.